Paranormal Investigations Port Elizabeth (P.I.P.E.)
Mission Statement
Our mission is to assist the public with any form of paranormal phenomena regardless of location or the type of activity.
We assess environments where paranormal activity is reported to occur, using a scientifically based method and documenting the findings.
Our objective is to disprove or validate the presence and existence of a spirit haunting.
We try to rule out human or natural influences before any investigation - to discover reasonable explanations for events that seem unexplainable.
The best interest and confidentiality of the client is prioritised at all times.
All of our members have ‘lived with the unseen’ prior to the formation of P.I.P.E., so we have first-hand experience of the discomfort, fear and seriousness associated with hauntings.
We also know that it is not easy allowing an investigative team into your environment.
We conduct our investigations with respect and professionalism.
We only share documented evidence on where the client has permitted disclosure.
Investigation Goals
• P.I.P.E. assists people who are seeking help with determining whether or not they have paranormal activity in their homes (or other environments they otherwise spend a great deal of time in).
• To rule out human or natural influences that might be causing the apparent paranormal activity
• To recreate the client’s personal experiences
- as a means to encourage the re-occurrence of the events
- to gain perspective “through the eyes of the client”
• To collect evidence in the form of recorded media and, documenting personal experiences during the investigation.
• To provide the client with the documented evidence of our findings, and to help the client understand the nature of their situation to the best of our collective ability
• The client is provided with a detailed copy of the collected evidence pertinent to ‘paranormal activity’ in the form of audio recordings, video recordings, photography, and the personal experiences during the investigation
• There is no charge for our investigations. We will not accept any money for this service whatsoever. Any expenses which may arise are covered by the team.
We do not claim to be experts in the paranormal field. The scientific study of the paranormal is constantly evolving and, so too is the equipment used. We strive to stay abreast of the latest methodologies and devices used in the field.
Nor, do we claim to alleviate or get rid of the hauntings that you are experiencing.
Where a haunting is validated, we make every effort in trying to explain our findings through scientific equipment or personal experiences. In our group’s experience, we have found that ghosts are free willed and may move on when told to do so, or may stay if they so wish.
We do not in any way conjure up spirits or, contact the dead using ouija boards and mediums. P.I.P.E. investigates the activity that is already reported to be present.
If you have any questions for us or would like a consultation regarding activity in your home or business, email us at
***Your case will be handled with professionalism, respect, determination and confidentiality.***